Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday week madness

Good Morning,
This is going to be one busy week at our house! Our baby boy turns 9 on Friday, August 6th.  Between parties for friends and family, we'll spend 3 days of this week celebrating him! Gee whiz, is this kid a VIP or what? As a result of all this party planning, my postings this week won't be very lengthy.  I have **some** of the party prep done but plenty more to tackle....wish me luck!  As Arnold would say, "I'll be back"! :)


Carolyn said...

WOW! It's hard to believe Cole's turning NINE!!! Still remember his 1st Halloween & the adorable costume he had on...

Deanna said...

Sigh, yes, dear son is growing up way TOO fast! I'm SO thankful he hasn't outgrown hugs and kisses from mom!

Thank you for stopping in Carolyn! Please sign up to follow my blog. I have some fun giveaways coming up VERY soon!

Have a great afternoon,