Monday, August 2, 2010

Drum roll please.....

Last week I slowly started sharing my big SECRET about writing this blog.  A few of you asked "what's the deal with the secrecy"?  It was mainly because I'm still a bit insecure about this whole blog writing "thing". I'm getting over that though! "I can do this, I can do this"!  Oops, that wasn't supposed to be in print! :)

Ok, on to the good stuff.  I neglected to mention that I'll be hosting GIVEAWAYS here!!!! So sorry about that omission!  I have 2 Etsy shops that have offered to sponsor giveaways in the coming months here! There are 2 additional shops that I **think** will be on board too but I haven't formally asked them. I hope you're as excited as I am!

More later folks. I have to finish my morning coffee now. I have priorities, ya know! :)


Karley Ziegler Mott said...

Hmm, I may know of one who is on board! In fact, I am sending you your order this evening--I will add in a giveaway item for your blog!

Deanna said...

Wow! I wasn't even counting on that! I'll add you to my list! Thank you SO much for your support!

Have a fabulous day,

The Christensens said...

Way to go, Deanna! I love all of your Etsy finds and tips! Can't wait to read more.

Deanna said...

Thank YOU! Keep reading and hopefully I'll be able to hold your interest! :)