Wednesday, August 4, 2010

PLEASE READ: {interview with stacy malkan}

Good evening readers,
I want to share with you the enlightening interview veteran blogger, Karley Ziegler Mott,  posted on her website Chic & Green earlier today.  I touched very briefly on a few of these points in Tuesday's posting about being an informed consumer of health and beauty products.  Karley had the honor of  interviewing one of the co-founders of The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.  I strongly encourage you to read her concise yet thorough post, {interview with stacy malkan}.

Blueberries on the brain

As I sit drinking my morning coffee, my mind drifted to the pint of blueberries in the fridge.  I think I'll have some on top of my vanilla yogurt for breakfast.  Enjoy this blueberry feast for the eyes, courtesy of Etsy...

I can attest to the delectable scent of this fabulous
 fresh blueberry organic sugar scrub from naturesedgefarm $10 for 8 oz. jar

FriendlyPairings Blueberries and Cream necklace is so pretty, $26

 Vintage German glass statement ring from  WiredWhimsy, $13.50

AppleWarePottery's  blueberry berry bowl strainer caught my eye, $39.50 

Canvas bag with vintage style advertising graphic from  WilsonGraphics, $20