Monday, November 15, 2010

What's the deal with giveaways?

Good evening,
The thought occurred to me the other night as I was announcing the November giveaway that some of you may be wondering why I'm hosting them. I mean I'm not a shop owner trying to promote my products. The reason, dear readers that I do host these giveaways is to give you the opportunity to try some of the handmade products I rave about here on My Handmade Addiction. As you may have noticed, the shops that have donated their products are all shops that I buy from and love.

I suspect you'll love them as much as I do. If along the way you find that you like what I have to say here on my blog, it is my hope that you'll comment from time to time and share a bit of your own wisdom as well! 

That's all. I promise!  I'm not secretly peddling Ginsu knives (not that there's anything wrong with that, lol)!
